Microwave electrodeless UV lamp

Microwave electrodeless UV lamp is widely used in: hospitals, food factories, pharmaceutical plants ,underground shopping malls, underground garage, clean rooms, offices, hospitals, office buildings and other air sterilization; also applies to water plants, sewage treatment factory disinfection liquid; the same applies to the dump, waste transfer station, sewage treatment plants, perfumery, tanneries, public toilets, bakery's smell gas treatment. Its characteristics are: 1. Long lamp life; 2. High intensity UV output; 3. The UV output intensity can be adjusted to change the size of microwave power; 4. UV output intensity will not gradually decay: In the absence of electrode wear problem, UV output intensity does not decrease with the increase use of time; 5. Broaden the scope of luminous material choice: the original not compatible with the metal electrode materials such as light-emitting sulfur, iodine, etc. can be taken into account, which can be more innovative UV light source, they can issue different wavelengths of UV light; 6. Shape of the lamp can not just a thin tube, according to actual needs can be processed into spherical, flat shape, and many other shapes, the volume size can be arbitrarily changed.

  • Keywords : Lamp
  • Category : Lights & Lighting >> Other Lights & Lighting Products
  • Country : China
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 20.00-150.00
  • Unit price : 5
  • Negotiable : 1
  • Payment Type : 1
  • Supplying Ability : 154
  • Delivery : 1
  • Packaging Detail : 1
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