Solving Complex Tax Problems for Businesses and Individuals

In your business and in your personal life, success creates complexity. Business growth and accumulation of assets create the need for increasingly sophisticated approaches to protecting those assets. We manage our clients' corporate and personal tax liability through five speciality teams: Real Estate, Pass-Through Entities, C corporations, International and Personal Financial Services. Through years of experience and intensive training, each team member has developed deep competence within their speciality area as well as a broad base of personal and business tax knowledge. Minimising Your Overall Tax Burden At HAY, we are always thinking of ways to create more tax-efficient structures for your business and personal situation by: Preparing transfer pricing studies to establish prices for transactions with related foreign entities in compliance with UAE and foreign jurisdiction requirements Minimizing domestic and worldwide tax burden through tax-efficient structuring of corporations, subsidiaries, captive insurance companies and real estate investment partnerships Advising clients regarding tax consequences of merger and acquisition transactions Identifying and taking advantage of research and development (R&D) and other domestic or international tax credits and incentives White Board, Blue Sky Our devotion to collaboration means that each of our clients receives the most insightful and targeted ideas based on that client's unique situation. Through our exclusive Whiteboard Sessions, we assemble the foremost experts in personal and corporate tax as well as financial reporting, wealth management and forensics to brainstorm ideas to protect your assets and save you money. The bottom line is that, wherever your personal and business activities take you, we will be

  • Keywords : Dubai Tax
  • Category : Business Services >> Financial Services
  • Country : United Arab Emirates
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 0.00-0.00
  • Unit price : 70
  • Delivery : Dubai