metal mirror

Scrupulously adjoined designer wall art made of metal looks breathtaking. The varied metal colors add an essence of royalty with elegance. Intricately formed by our local artisans the metal used in the wall art is rust-resistant and remains the same even after years. Delicately decorated with hands, this piece is prestigious with a unique semblance. So whether its decorating your own home, office, cafe, and restaurant choose this art work effortlessly.

  • Keywords : handicrafts, global, dubai handicrafts
  • Category : Gifts & Crafts >> Antique Imitation Crafts
  • Country : United Arab Emirates
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1000
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 0.00-191.10 د.إ
  • Unit price : 3
  • Payment Type : razor pay
  • Supplying Ability : 100053
  • Delivery : shipping
  • Packaging Detail : boxes