PPO Powder

PPO powder is a medium molecular weight polymer based on PPE. PPO is designed to use additives or structural units in various thermoplastics and thermoplastic elastomers. As a medium and high-end plastic material, PPO has excellent characteristics such as high temperature resistance 、electrical insulation. In engineering thermoplastics, PPO has low water absorption, high hardness and excellent high-temperature creep resistance. Properties Units Test Methods Typical Valuws Tg(half width) ℃ SINBO 210 Mean Resin Particle Size micrometer SINBO 200 Physical Form - SINBO POWDER Bulk Deasity Kg/m3 ISO 1183 465 Intrinsic Viscosity Ml/g SINBO 0.4 MP - SINBO 28000-32000 Toluene Content ppm SINBO <1500 Phenolic End-group Content ppm SINBO 820

  • Keywords : PPO Powder
  • Category : Chemicals, Plastics, and Raw Materials >> Additives
  • Country : China
  • Minimum order Quantity : 1
  • FOB Price (USD) Min : 0.00-0.00
  • Unit price : 3
  • Negotiable : 1
  • Delivery : 面议